How to Request an Estimate from Way Out West Inc.

Thank you for contacting Way Out West. If you are interested in receiving an estimate for a project, please complete our Product Questionaire and email it to Please answer the questions that follow and one of our sales representatives will review the information and get back to you by phone or e-mail to let you know if Way Out West has the capabilities and time frame to manufacture your product.

Amongst the California clothing manufacturers, we are the only efficient and punctual private label clothing manufacturers based in Los Angeles. You can contact our garment manufacturers unit in Los Angeles by the information briefed below.

Instructions: Click the link on the left to download the Product Questionaire PDF. Once completed, please email the form along with any relevant attachments to:

Contact Us
Way Out West Inc. is located at:
1440 West 135th Street Gardena, CA 90249
Telephone: (310) 769 - 6937
Fax: (310) 769 - 0241
Thank you for visiting! We very much look forward to working with you.